debt calculator

See if you are overindebted by using our debt calculator. Kindly fill in all the fields below to get an estimated quote.

Or contact us to get your own free, personalised assessment.

Monthly nett income (R)*

Your “nett income” is what is paid into your bank account on a monthly basis.

Other monthly income (R)

Income from activities other than normal business operations

Investment interest, foreign exchange gains, rent income etc.

**Complete at least one of the below fields.

Monthly living expenses (R)*

The money that has to be spent on food, housing, clothes, transport etc.

Monthly credit provider repayments (R)*

A credit facility is a type of loan, including retail credit accounts. Complete at least one of the below fields.

Total monthly:

living expenses

Total monthly

credit provider repayments*

Are you over indebted?

Check your financial status by completing the simple calculator

* Please note that the estimated quote is done based on the information provided by you.
Amounts provided by your credit providers might differ from the amounts provided by you.

Your current repayment might be too high

Send this information to The Debt Doc and let us assist you and calculate your new repayment and saving

You are NOT over indebted!

You’ve got a great financial situation.
Keep up the good work!